Living Under the Anointing
सर्व शक्तिमान परमेश्वर हमारे जनम से पहले ही हमारी नीति निर्धारित कर हमारा अभिषेक कर देते हैं तकी हम अपने जीवन की राह की सब कहानियां पर जय पाए जो हमारे लिए अपने बल भाई में करना। The All-Knowing God decrees our destiny before our birth and then anoints us to achieve all that and overcome obstacles in the way in His power that would be impossible for us to manage on our own.

Living Under the Anointing

The All-Knowing God decrees our destiny before our birth and then anoints us to achieve all that and overcome obstacles in the way in His power that would be impossible for us to manage on our own. सर्व शक्तिमान परमेश्वर हमारे जनम से पहले ही हमारी नीति निर्धारित कर हमारा अभिषेक कर देते हैं तकी हम अपने जीवन की राह की सब कहानियां पर जय पाए जो हमारे लिए अपने बल भाई में करना।

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Weapons of Spiritual Warfare
We are not left alone in our spiritual battle and like a good Father God not only equips us but is always by our side to strengthen and guide us.

Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

We are not left alone in our spiritual battle and like a good Father God not only equips us but is always by our side to strengthen and guide us.

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Heavenly Living
Living in God's presence is heavenly while repented and forgiven sins through the power of Lord Jesus' blood help us welcome God the Holy Spirit and His Divine kingdom into us.

Heavenly Living

Living in God's presence is heavenly while repented and forgiven sins through the power of Lord Jesus' blood help us welcome God the Holy Spirit and His Divine kingdom into us.

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Can I be Cursed?
Can I be Cursed?

Can I be Cursed?

Blessings carry God’s power and curses of Satan; both affect the intended target for good or evil and Christ became the victim on the cross to turn our curses into blessings.

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Why is there Sickness and Disability?
Why is there Sickness and Disability?

Why is there Sickness and Disability?

“There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life, no matter what its location, age, gender or disability” – Sharron Angle            …

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